Wildlife Tours and Education
Wildlife Tours and Education 

History and Mystery

When I was gifted a copy of Witherby's 'A Hand List of British Birds' for the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society research library, I initially didn't realise its significance. The book published in 1912 was the personal copy of Harry Pashley, a taxidermist that lived in Cley next the Sea on the north Norfolk coast during the late 19th and early 20th Century. Stitched into the binding were Harry's own personal notes.

'History and Mystery' is a 131pp transcript of those notes coupled with additional research and over 70 photographs of birds seen in north Norfolk.

The price of £18 includes packaging and 2nd class postage within the UK.

(if you are wanting to send a book to a foreign territory please send me an email stating the address and I will get back to you with the total cost.)


Ordering a copy is a simple two step process.


1) Send a payment of £18 to the account of Wildlife Tours and Education

Sort Code: 20-03-26 Account Number: 93932427 using your name as a reference


2) Send an email to carl@wildlifetoursandeducation.co.uk stating

a) Your Name

b) The Address where you would like the book sent.




Alternitavely if you are in the UK you may send a cheque payable to 'Wildlife Tours and Education' for £18 and post it to Wildlife Tours and Education, 14 Travers Court, Runton House Close, West Runton, CROMER NR27 9RA.


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