Wildlife Tours and Education
Wildlife Tours and Education 

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Hi Carl and Tania - Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed meeting you both and of course seeing those lovely swallowtails. Despite the weather. I really enjoyed my day.  I hope you have a great 'rest of season’. I will take a look at your website for further inspiration. Kind regards 


RD Cambs – Swallowtail and Norfolk Hawker day June 2024




Hi Carl - Many thanks for Sunday; … it was a very enjoyable day. We both enjoyed it very much and as ever, enjoyed the company too. It was really nice to have such a great opportunity to get to know Tania better; a lovely lady, she’s definitely a keeper. Best wishes


J & GO Norfolk – Chequered Skipper Day June 2024




Thank you for another lovely and interesting tour. Everyone really enjoyed the scenery, the birds and especially your engaging commentary.

We’ll be back for more! Best wishes 


D & NO Norfolk – Cley Perimeter Walk May 2024




Hi Carl thanks for a great day out, thoroughly enjoyed it.


JH Norfolk – Skipper and Small Blue Butterfly Day May 2024




Hey Carl …Mum and I had a wonderful day with you and thank you SO much again for tailoring the day to Mum’s mobility needs. It was perfect! And thanks for being so caring with Mum/us both. We enjoyed your company and having a chuckle with you :)

It was so lovely going to different sites and a great way to see north Norfolk, all with expert local knowledge and years of experience and learning that you were generous with sharing. We loved your passion for birds, nature recording and history… We saw loads! It was great to visit so many different habitats. 


Thanks again Carl and we will no doubt keep an eye out for your blog. … you’ll be happy to know that we have already talked about your tour to several people and given them your company name :)…Thanks again Carl :)


A & AN Dorset – Norfolk Safari May 2024




Thank you for a great day. Everyone really enjoyed it despite the weather and are still talking about it this morning. Have forwarded you email to everyone and please do bombard me with information on tours etc - I’ve already clicked the link. …


Looking forward to seeing you again in a couple of weeks’ time.


Best wishes


DO Norfolk – Norfolk Birding Day May 2024




Hi Carl, Just wanted to thank you so much for an amazing day. We both thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it.


I'm sure that we will be booking further adventures with you in the future.


Is there anywhere that we can leave a review? Thought we might mention the 'shit loads' of seals �� and white arses �� Many thanks.


L and KK Norfolk – Norfolk Safari April 2024




Hi Carl - Thanks for today’s notes, that was quick off the mark!  … Nice Nightingale photo, … lovely reminder of all that wonderful song.

Stunning Whitethroat photo on your blog! … thanks again for trip.


PW Norfolk – Essex Birding Day April 2024




Hi Carl - Thank you for yet another excellent Essex birding trip. The nightingales were the creme de la creme and what a great photo. Amazed just how much we saw and the summer plumage waders were an extra treat! …Best wishes


HB Norfolk – Essex Birding Day April 2024





Hi Carl thanks very much for a grand day out today. We really enjoyed it and it was great to see so many new birds for us both on our first proper guided birding trip.   We'll try to plan another day out with you sometime … Once again, thanks very much and best regards


J&BA Notts – Norfolk Birding Day April 2024




Many thanks Carl, another enjoyable day thanks, good to meet everyone again.

Best wishes. Bye for now.


DJ Suffolk – Minsmere Day April 2024




Hi Carl, Thanks again for putting on such a brilliant tour yesterday, and for sending us the report of the day - we’ve all signed up to get tour e mail updates already.

It was exciting for us to see the more unusual sightings, highlights being the Goshawk displays, the beautiful little Firecrest, the lyrical Woodlark and the elusive Dartford warbler. It was great to listen to your explanations of bird habitats and behaviours - we certainly learnt a lot during the day.

We’d love to do another tour or photography course with you and will be in touch in the future.

Thanks again from us all 


BF Cheshire – Norfolk birding day April 2024




Hi Carl, Many thanks for guiding us around a few of the out of the way places in Norfolk and for finding a good list of birds with seemingly little effort. J and I really enjoyed being able to catch up with C and I, and yourself, whilst seeing so many birds.

The highlight for me was seeing the Goshawks displaying over the …., closely followed by the Woodlark ….. Thanks again for guiding us, looking forward to your butterfly talk at Cley later this year. Kind regards,



D&JM Norfolk – Norfolk Birding Day Mar 2024




… Carl, just wanted to thank you for such an incredible day. We so enjoyed every

minute of it. As always, your guidance and care were ????, and we both learnt a great deal. Have a good weekend and hope to see you again soon. Love to Tania xx


C&IB Norfolk – Norfolk Birding Day Mar 2024




Thank you for a lovely day, I am sure we will meet again.


R&IG Cambs – Goshawk and Breckland Birding Day Feb 2024




Dear Carl and Tania, Just wanted to drop a thank you to you both for such an incredible day. It was an absolute pleasure to spend the day with your company (and excellent cups of tea and chocolate bars!) and to tick off as many firsts as we did today was beyond a dream. We hadn’t stopped chatting about the day’s sights by the time we got back to the kids so have resumed now they’re in bed!
We really look forward to getting booked onto another day or evening later in the year (big hopes for nightjars!) but just wanted to express our gratitude for now.

With all the best,

K and PL Norfolk – Goshawk and Breckland Birding Day Feb 2024




Hi Carl, Thanks very much for this. Really enjoyed the weekend. Interesting people & contributions from all the group ? and unexpected sighting of M… too!

I don't just see birds/ wildlife on your trips, I learn a massive amount about them too, so thank you very much for that.


I hope to join FSC/WTE friends again at some point later in the year.


DJ Suffolk – Winter Birds Weekend at Flatford Mill Feb 2024




Hi Carl, …Spent quite a time deleting rather a lot of photos from yesterday but am very pleased with the ones I’ve kept. Definitely some of the best flight shots of SEO’s I’ve taken, mind you the light towards the end was perfect. Many thanks for another enjoyable trip. Looking forward to April!

PW – Norfolk Photographing Owls Day Feb 2024




Hi Carl - Thanks … for two more great days out ?


IH – Heartforshire Norfolk Birding Days Dec 2023




Dear Carl, A very belated email to thank you for the talk about Victoria and it's wildlife presented to us a couple of weeks ago. We loved it and it is so interesting to see birds that are somewhat similar but also very different.  In view of your undoubted jet lag, it was an impressive feat, and thank you so much for powering through. It was lovely to meet Tanya and we hope to see you both again at some point. 

Best regards


JW - Aylsham Wildlife Society December 2023




Thank you Carl for so much: a wonderful day out with so much interest and new knowledge for me … and not least of all the very good company of Tania and yourself. 

FM – Norfolk – Norfolk Butterfly Day July 2023




Morning Carl …Brilliant trip thanks, such amazing habitat and wildlife evolving there. White Stork and Purple Emperors definitely the highlights. Really nice to meet up with P and M too.

Good luck with your upcoming projects, hope to meet up with you again on one of them in the not too distant future

Best wishes to you and Tania

Take care


DJ – Suffolk – Tour to Knepp Estate and Area July 2023




Hi Carl, Thanks again for a totally fantastic day. We enjoyed it immensely and saw so much!
… It was a great pleasure to spend the day in your company. All best wishes,

M and R D – Yorkshire – Norfolk Safari




Hi Carl - … a lovely day with the added bonus of our target species! We had some excellent views, but very disconcerting that so few other species around! See you on our next mission! Best wishes


LG – Norfolk – Heath Fritillary and White Legged Damselfly Day June 2023




Hi Carl and Tania, I just wanted to thank you both so much for the wonderful badger experience yesterday. We feel so lucky, it really was magical.
Yes please do keep me posted with details of any future expeditions. I’m sure we’ll see you again! With many thanks from us all.

C, A and S – Norfolk – Badger Evening June 2023




Thank you and Tania for a memorable evening.  They were truly fabulous, thank you for sharing. Thank you for …(the)… round-up, it’s kind of you to let us have a reminder of the evening on top of the beautiful images already stored in my head and heart.


SC – Norfolk – Badger Evening June 2023




Hi Carl, thanks for a great day yesterday, always a pleasure going out on tour with you, my head hurts with the amount of information ? you have to give. Looking forward to the next encounter. Regards


AM – Essex – Norfolk Birding Day May 2023




Many thanks for another excellent day Carl.


HB – Norfolk – Essex Birding Day April 2023





Afternoon Carl, Thank you for a very enjoyable day at Minsmere. We saw and heard a wide variety of birds and wildlife and the sun shone on us. I'll definitely recognise the call of the Med Gull from now on! A perfect day made better by your and P’s good company. I look forward to browsing your future programme.

Best wishes


LG – Norfolk – Minsmere Day April 2023




Hello Carl, …I did enjoy our day together and learnt a great deal. Even the photos I took today are noticeably better and that’s purely down to Thursday. It was an interesting day learning about bird calls too; that appears to be really useful aid and can give you an edge when in the field. … Hope your tours continue to go well and I hope to join you again someday. 


MH – Norfolk – Wildlife Photography Day April 2023




Thank you for just a lovely day …


A&BW – Norfolk/Lincs – Norfolk Birding Day April 2023




Well, that was a lovely trip; the scenery is still gorgeous and most of the birds still there.  The lichen on the trees is spectacular.  I, at long last, got to closely observe Slavonian Grebe being extremely smart and active, what a pleasure.  Three Golden Eagles flying round us for so long will definitely stay in the memory.  How brilliant of you to find the Black Grouse. The day on the coast was just what I like and to have three species of diver in the same place, and in good number, very special.  Thank you.

… All in all, that was a good few days.  And I nearly forgot the Osprey at their nest and being at the 'scope when change over took place.  Then there was finding a Dipper.

Just perfect.  Thanks, 


LB – Norfolk – Scottish Birders Long Weekend April 2023




Carl – Many thanks for a great tour. …We are both looking forward to touring with you again. All best wishes.


CW – Lincs – Scottish Birders Long Weekend April 2023




Dear Carl - Many thanks for another great outdoors day showing us birds we would certainly have overlooked. Thanks too for the long list of seen or heard species.

I look forward to my next adventure on 16th July in search of butterflies.

Best Wishes


FM – Norfolk – Minsmere Birding Day March 2023




Hi Carl - Thanks for a great day out. We really enjoyed ourselves!

S&NM Norfolk – Norfolk Birding Day December 2022




Hi Carl … We both thoroughly enjoyed the whole day and plan to join you again for another trip one day.


J&AL Lincs – Norfolk Birding Day November 2022




Thank you Carl for a brilliant day, and the notes are a good reference. I didn't get much of a chance to put my new knowledge into practice on Saturday as l went on a Halloween ghost trail with my granddaughter. We will go out walking though on Sunday so will experiment more then, when l can concentrate!


DC Norfolk – Wildlife Photography Day October 2022




… Many thanks, also, for a most enjoyable day out and your expertise. It was good to have Tania along too: please convey our thanks to her for her company and her excellent refreshment service. We shall recommend your tours to all friends with an interest…


H&BW Norfolk – Migration Tour October 2022




Hello Carl Just a short personal note to say how much we enjoyed meeting with you again and to say a big thank you for your guiding expertise and sharing your diverse knowledge of the natural world. 

Many thanks


C&KB Worcester – Private Tour September 2022




Hi Carl,…We thoroughly enjoyed our day out with you which was educative, interesting and altogether entertaining. It is remarkable how many birds there are to be seen and heard when your senses are sufficiently sharpened. Four new species for us (Bee Eater, obviously, Yellow hammer and Wood & Pectoral Sandpipers) so we were very pleased even if the Dartford Warbler was in the almost but not quite in terms of a clear view.


D&CP Cumbria – Norfolk Birding Day August 2022




Carl … We very much enjoyed our day and hearing your extensive knowledge on the local nature and wildlife, it made the day really really interesting. You really are a fantastic guide!

I will take a look at all the future tours and hope we will be able to visit this part of the world in the not too distant future…

Thank you again and all the best.


KB Hampshire – Norfolk Safari August 2022




Hi Carl - K and I had a lovely time on Thursday. Really enjoyed it and will check out info on tours.


K&C T-T Norfolk – Norfolk Safari August 2022





Hi Carl, Hope you fine.

Thanks for the records of a really enjoyable Cumbria trip - quite a number of 'firsts' for me there - the High Brown Fritillary was gorgeous and haven't seen a Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary or Northern Brown Argus before either - and the White Faced and Black Darters both firsts for me too - amongst all the other lovely Cumbria wildlife and scenery - so much to enjoy thanks. Nice to meet R and the hotel was lovely ?

And thanks for the info about forthcoming tours - got me thinking about a couple for next year already - haven't been to Knepp yet and feel I should go sometime for interest and wildlife. …

Anyway, hope to catch up on a future day trip/tour, best wishes to you and Tania



DJ Suffolk – Cumbria Butterfly Tour July 2022




Hi Carl - What a fabulous day.

We missed out on a few, (Hen Harrier, Bearded Reedling, Dunlin, Stock Dove), but loved our day, opening with a great view of water rail, lots of waders, but especially godwits, knot and golden plover in full summer plumage and ending with that splendid Little Stint. As always we appreciated your knowledge, and love the mix of birds, insects, plants, etc.

… Yours sincerely

R&CH Lincs – Framton Marsh Day July 2022




Hi Carl - We have just about unpacked and had something to eat.

Many, many thanks for a superb tour. We thoroughly enjoyed it. 10/10

We are already looking forward to our next jaunt with you.

All best wishes


C and MW Lincs – Sutherland Tour July 2022




Well, another good day Carl. You always get your target when you have a butterfly day, at least when the day takes place!  Long may it continue.

Many thanks.


EB Norfolk – Lincolnshire Butterfly Day June 2022




Hi Carl, Thank you for a wonderful evening last night - B was delighted to see her first badger, hopefully first of many including cubs next time! Best,


SB Norfolk – Norfolk Badger Evening June 2022




Thanks Carl, I had a great time ... The Garganey and Stone Curlew were particular highlights, though generally it is wonderful to visit such nice spots when the plants are so verdant and the animals so abundant and active. 

I've signed up for your blog email notifications. 

Best wishes

ED Lincolnshire – Norfolk Birding Day May 2022




Hi Carl, Many thanks again for a super day - was greatly enjoyed and I think we did really well to see/hear the birds listed.

Would be great to do something special with you next year, when I will be 'celebrating' my 70th birthday.

Maybe we could have a chat with you about this when we next meet up.

With all good wishes


ID Derbyshire – Norfolk Birding Day May 2022




Carl …  I had a brilliant day and really enjoyed it, so informative and relaxed too.  I also appreciated the aspect of having a day's break from trying to organise everything myself!  I have signed up for the mailing list and will definitely hope to sign up to something in the future. 

I've not been on a guided day out in the UK before so wasn't sure what it would be like but didn't expect to have so much of your time, it was an absolute bargain and I would definitely have found it worthwhile at double the price.

I hope you get more female wildlife enthusiasts coming on your tours as I'd certainly recommend it …Thank you again


RH Aberdeenshire – Norfolk Birding Day May 2022




Thank you, Carl for … today's amazing adventure. We thoroughly enjoyed the day and the variety of environments that we visited to see the birds and wildlife. You worked well with the weather too. 

I will certainly look forward to further trips in the future and give my permission for you to include me in your emails of future events. Given that we live in Northamptonshire the opportunities to visit Norfolk aren't frequent but days such as today are certainly very rewarding and worth the effort. 

Regards and hope to join you again exploring more of what Norfolk can offer.


MD Northamptonshire – Norfolk Safari May 2022




Dear Carl,Thank you for an absolutely splendid day today, some absolute highlights for me included seeing Dartford warbler and hearing wood larks among many many others! I am so glad it all worked out for M and M and I felt they really enjoyed it too. I am more than happy to be on your email list, and will keep an eye out for possible further trips. All best wishes


BD Leicestershire – Norfolk Safari May 2022




Thank you for your time and your answers, I overall had an excellent day, and I feel very blessed seeing these Stone curlews and their chicks. It’s a perfect way to “meet” a species. It’s one of my highlight of my trip! And I also enjoyed seeing many other species, especially all of these secretive little beings living in the reeds and the heaths. Best regards


ZL France – Norfolk Birding Day May 2022




Thanks Carl, lovely day at Minsmere and great to meet everyone.

Look forward see you and Tania July…best regards


DJ Suffolk – Minsmere Migration Day April 2022




Hi Carl, Thank you for the information and bird list. We saw/heard an amazing number of bird species. I really enjoyed the day thank you, and good weather and company to boot! I look forward to seeing you again sometime over the summer, hopefully. Take care, ?


AM Suffolk – Minsmere Migration Day April 2022




Good morning Carl, Just to say thank you for a lovely day yesterday. Not sure if we will remember all of the bird calls that we heard and which bird it belongs to. We certainly got to see a lot too. Especially the Bittern flying. 

The company was nice too. 

Hope to join you on another day soon.

Kind regards 


KG Cambs – Minsmere Migration Day April 2022




Many thanks for an excellent day of birding Carl and Tania . Catering was first class too! Thanks for the list of birds and I’ll definitely be looking out for more tours in the future…Kind regards


HB Norfolk – Essex Birding Tour April 2022 




Hi Carl and Tania, Just a quick note to say thanks for a very enjoyable and informative day, good company and an excellent packed lunch!
Take care

LP Beds – Essex Birding Day April 2022




Hi Carl and Tania, Lovely to see you both yesterday.
It was a lovely day, good weather and as ever, interesting birds and butterflies. Thank you.

AC Suffolk – Essex Birding Day April 2022




I really enjoyed the day. Work has been very busy until just recently, so it was great to have a slower paced day in good company and in good weather. 


SW Norfolk – Minsmere March 2022




Lovely pic of Dartford thanks Carl, never seen so many on one walk. Great day, good to meet everyone. 


DJ Suffolk – Minsmere March 2022




Thank you for a really entertaining day yesterday we both had a lot of fun. So nice to be out birding with good company looking forward to seeing you in Scotland take care x


HB West Sussex – Minsmere March 2022




Hi Carl, Yesterday I actually sat down and wrote to you to thank you for the wonderful trip and posted it but could only find 2nd class stamp. Then you beat me to the draw with your lovely trip description. I shall print the pages off and keep them with all my other trip souvenirs. And I look forward to my next trip after I gain some brownie points from J for good behaviour!!!!!!

With love to you both and again many thanks. xx


JP Norfolk – Southern Scotland Tour March 2022




Hi Carl! - Thanks for a fantastic birding safari yesterday!


I've been listening to Xenocanto on my return and Firecrest, Goldcrest and Nuthatch are beginning to make a little more sense! What a difference it makes when someone with patience has pointed them out in the field!! 


I'll have a look at the other trips available and hope to join you again soon.  Maybe waders and wildfowl are my next (long overdue?) challenge ...


LM Norfolk - Goshawk and Breckland Specialities Tour February 2022




Hi Carl, Many thanks for a well-organised and excellent day. So instructive and enjoyable not only to see things through your eyes, but also to hear sound through your ears. We tend to ‘watch birds’ while doing something else: going for a walk say!  Really the two are incompatible: it’s good to be shown what ‘bird watching’ means, and to be shown the requisite pace!


The Brecks: we’ve only ever driven though on our way here or there, so it was especially good to get off the highway and stop off in several unexpectedly attractive locations. We look forward to visiting the area more often.


Looking forward to meeting up when we next book. All best wishes


A & JM Norfolk - Goshawk and Breckland Specialities Tour February 2022




Hi Carl and Tania,

I enjoyed the day yesterday and hopefully we can arrange another soon. We saw quite a few birds that I had not seen before. Kind regards 

KG Cambs – Goshawk and Breckland Specialities Tour February 2022




Hi Carl - A big thank yet again a great day…


GW Sussex – Goshawk and Breckland Specialities Tour February 2022




Dear Carl, Thank you so much for a great day yesterday. Shame about the weather but that’s just the luck of the draw! …very pleased to have seen a goshawk. Actually, seeing bramblings siskins and the marsh tit very close up was a real treat, also the mistle thrush with the redwings was lovely. I am very keen on learning songs and calls so … hearing wood lark and lesser spotted woodpecker was great …Thank you again. Please keep sending details of your tours. I’m sure I’ll be back. I recommended you to my friends M and M D, and I think M bought some gift vouchers. I’ll liaise with them soon when they might be free and come back to you and hope we could make a date with you in the spring. All the best


BD Cambs – Goshawk and Breckland Specialities Tour February 2022




Carl - Thank you for coming to our bird club meeting on Tuesday and giving us such an interesting talk on Cetaceans. I learnt a few things and there were some fascinating stories, particularly around the research you have done for Norfolk…


DG Cambs – Norfolk Cetaceans Talk November 2021




Hi Carl - Thanks again for a good weekend, I can still picture all the Red Kite - what a spectacle …


BG Norfolk – Photographers Weekend in Wales November 2021




Carl , Many thanks for a great day out and some fab spots . It may have been damp but the day was varied, interesting and great fun.


MB Norfolk – Norfolk Birders Day November 2021




Hi Carl, Many thanks for the trip report produced so quickly I’d not even got round to thanking you for the usual very enjoyable trip! …


PW Norfolk – Photographers Weekend in Wales November 2021




Hi Carl, Just to say thank you for such a good guided birding day. Full of great birds, everyone really enjoyed it. Thank you from everyone!! Cheers

NS Gloucestershire – Norfolk Birding Day October 2021




Hi Carl and Tania - Thanks for a brilliant day out yesterday - great to see several bits of North Norfolk that were new to us.  And great to see so many birds and a few firsts - the Dartford Warbler was a definite highlight … Thanks again and for the lovely lunch - it was lovely to meet your excellent catering manager and trainee tour guide :0) Regards and hope to join you again at some point.


C&GH Cumbria – Norfolk Birding Day October 2021




Dear Carl, We are now home and calm … We wanted to thank you for the amazing week on the beautiful Isles of Scilly. … we really enjoyed the trip, seeing the islands again in the stunning weather. It was fun as well as funny, informative and interesting. We are looking forward to seeing the islands in the spring! … Love to you both.

H&BB West Sussex – Isles of Scilly Birding Tour October 2021




 … it was a good day Carl and I would never have thought we saw/heard (so) many birds.  Just goes to show that you don't realise until you make a list.

I do like the small groups; you make them un-demanding, but we always make our target.  Thank you. Best wishes to you and Tania,


EB Norfolk – Stone Curlew Gatherings Day September 2021




…While I'm here, just wanted to say thanks again for our Snettisham day out. Your expert knowledge put us in the right place at the right time, which is exactly what I was looking for - plus you found us some good birds that I certainly would've missed had you not pointed them out…Cheers


IH Herts – Snettisham Spectacular September 2021




Hello Carl - Thank you for two lovely days birding and introducing us to some new places in Norfolk - so many hidden gems the county hides!
We would also like to thank the caterers for a brilliant job- not easy feeding awkward people! But your “team” did a first-class job…We are really looking forward to seeing you in the Scillies, … We really do enjoy the calmness of the birding days with you Carl, your patience and knowledge are impressive. Thank you again. See you very soon.

HB & BB West Sussex – Norfolk Birding Day September 2021




Hi Carl - Thank you so much for a spectacular morning at Snettisham. Very nice to meet you properly and I look forward to our next outing at Minsmere. 

All the best. 


SD Norfolk – Snettisham Spectacular September 2021




Hi Carl - Thanks very much for a lovely day out yesterday - you weren't exaggerating, it was certainly spectacular. Great bunch of people to be with as well…


EL Cambs – Snettisham Spectacular September 2021




Dear Carl - First of all, thank you so much for yesterday! We were most impressed with the list of all the birds and butterflies and mammals etc we saw and thank goodness you have sent a list! We would never remember them all! We had a great time and thank you so much for your excellent commentary and spotting of everything we saw! Thanks also to your caterer for the very tasty picnic lunch!


…We had such a good time yesterday we would love a repeat performance at some time!


AS & MS Norfolk – Norfolk Safari September 2021




Carl, Enjoyed the day out on Saturday very much - thank you!


EL Cambs – Adonis Blue Day August 2021




Thanks Carl.  Despite the weather we made our target, and what a joy they were.  Another good day, thank you.


LB Norfolk – Adonis Blue Day August 2021




Hi Carl, Thanks very much for a great day today. R and I really enjoyed it.

MR Lincs – Norfolk Birding Day August 2021




…(it) was a nice day, tasty lunch and cups of tea too! Great to discover some new locations. … so much to photograph! 


CB Norfolk – Norfolk Butterfly Day July 2021




Hi Carl - Thank you for a lovely day yesterday. It was great meeting like-minded people. I really enjoyed the day just a pity I couldn’t make it to the end. The heat really got to me. I heard what I missed. …  Hope to see you both again soon.


BR Norfolk – Norfolk Butterfly Day July 2021




Hi Carl, Thank you for a most enjoyable day out on Sunday.


EL Northants – Purple Emperor Day July 2021 




Just a quick note to thank you both for a really really fabulous day, so many surprises, so much fun, craic, and laughter, thank you for the drinks too…

today had some wonderful highlights and memories, - orchids, lizards, adders, waders, black winged stilts, spoonbills, cranes, hobby, dragonflies, and a beautifully presented bearded reedling, and of course a slightly lost but rather splendid and unconcerned pacific golden plover. A wonderful, wonderful day …

Thank you both so much


R & C H Lincs– Norfolk Safari July 2021




G’day Carl and Tania - J and I would like to thank you both for a great day out yesterday. Over the last two days we have seen many new plants and birds and more importantly have learnt more on all subjects relating to the natural world which has been really worthwhile.
As always, being shown something has much more impact than being told about a subject; so thank you Carl for your encyclopaedic knowledge of all that we came across.
I’m sure we will look at all we see on our walks with renewed enthusiasm and hope that we find time to come on more trips with you in the future.
With best wishes to you both,

D & J M Norfolk – Norfolk Safari July 2021




Dear Carl - Sorry it’s taken so long to thank you for another couple of brilliant days birding. …We always enjoy our days birding with you - suddenly revealing a species we have not seen,

Take care


H & B B Sussex – Norfolk Birding June 2021




Hi Carl - Many thanks (apols, somewhat belated) for an excellent and successful evening with you on the hunt for Nightjars.


It was a real thrill to see them - and hear them.  I’d begun to think that our stuffed specimen, faded and rather manky, would remain my best sighting. Good to know this almost mythical bird still actually exists, and still calls in from Africa to fly around just nearby!


Thank you for leading us there in your calm and highly informative manner, and looking forward to joining you on another expedition at some time.


AM & JH Norfolk– Nightjar Evening June 2021




Brilliant Nightjar views and sounds


BH Norfolk – Nightjar Evening June 2021




Hi Carl - Thank you so much for the report and the list. They certainly will remind us of the unforgettable time we all had together. We often talk about the tour and how we all got along so well, and how much we saw. We are still thrilled by it all.

All best wish and hoping to see you again soon.


C&MW Lincs - UK Mammal Tour May/June 2021




Thank you Carl, It was a great day. We loved the Yellowlegs and all the other great spots. They view at Stiffkey was special. Hares always cheer me up. Keep well and see you soon. J says twit twoo


H&JL London – Norfolk Migration Day November 2020




Morning Carl … Once again, many thanks for escorting us around the sites on Monday. We learnt a lot in the short time we had with you and it was all very informative and interesting. Thank you…


C&K B Worcestershire – Norfolk Migration Day November 2020




Many thanks Carl. It was a really good day - thanks again.  Thanks for sending the list of tours - I think I would definitely like to do one at some point - so I have signed up for the updates.


AC Worcestershire – Norfolk Migration Day November 2020




Hi Carl, I had a thoroughly enjoyable day, thanks to you and Tania. It was lovely to catch up with you both. I particularly enjoyed watching the Lesser Yellowlegs (got a couple of good photos), the Hawfinches and the flocks of starlings and geese. Fabulous to see so many of the geese in the later afternoon. Three red kite too! We saw a lot of birds looking at your list. Loved your birding colleagues, very interesting and real characters. All in-all a good day, thanks, and hopefully see you soon, lockdown permitting. 


AC Suffolk – Norfolk Migration Day November 2020




Hi Carl, Thanks to you & Tania for such an enjoyable day out last Thursday.

Yes, please send me details of future trips. ...

Stay safe Kind regards


EL Hunts – Norfolk Safari October 2020




Hi Carl & Tanya, Thank you both for a very enjoyable day. It is amazing what birds are around. Pleased to have you to show me. Hope you have a successful day tomorrow. Best wishes

RW Norfolk – Norfolk Migration Day October 2020




Dear Carl, Just to say a big thank you for an extremely successful Norfolk Safari.

The day was filled with information and great wildlife sightings, so much to see in one short day. Thank you also for your species list, and information of other tours.

We very much hope to enjoy your company and guiding expertise in the future.

With best wishes,


JR Hunts – Norfolk Safari October 2020




Hello Carl and Tania, Thank you both for a fun day of learning on the North Norfolk coast. I endeavour to use manual mode on the camera more often!
Tania thanks for the lunch, I now know who Carl is referring to when he mentions his caterers! (smiley face)
Best regards

PG Lincs – Wildlife Photographic Day September 2020




Carl, Tania - Thanks for a great day out, not only did I learn how to use my camera I also learnt something about the local wildlife too. I know that after walking and carrying my camera gear all day I was sound asleep after dinner and a beer!!!

Once again thanks for a great and informative day, hope to see you both soon.


KF Cambs – Wildlife Photographic Day September 2020




Thanks Carl, we had a really good day and like you very much enjoyed the company. When we look at the list it's quite amazing considering the weather.

Best wishes to you and Tania.


P&HK West Sussex – Norfolk Safari August 2020




Dear Carl, We absolutely loved our safari, a real highlight of the year. Yes, I have signed up for your emails and had a look at the tours and photos. We’d like to do all the tours please!

I love the photo of the artic tern particularly and the barn owl…


HL London – Norfolk Safari August 2020




Hi Carl and Tania, Thank you for a lovely day yesterday, I had a great time …


RT Norfolk – Norfolk Wader Day August 2020




Hi Carl,…I’ll definitely be returning to some of those new found locations!! 

I loved the day - and meeting you all - and look forward to returning soon.

Kind regards 


CW Norfolk – Norfolk Butterfly Day July 2020




Good morning Carl, Good to meet you finally and also Tania.  Thanks for the summary of where we went and what we saw - certainly worth further exploration!  …It was a great day all round and all the more interesting for being more than butterflies - a bit of bird knowledge, geology and the differences between life and language in Australia and England...  You've obviously put a lot of thought into making your tours Covid-19 safe which was much appreciated. Kind Regards


SW Norfolk – Norfolk Butterfly Day July 2020




Carl, Thank you for a great day out.


P&J W Norfolk – Norfolk Butterfly Day July 2020




Hi Carl…thoroughly enjoyed the day with good company, am exhausted now… 

I receive Letter from Norfolk also follow you on Facebook. Will check out your forthcoming tours. It was really nice to meet Tania. All the best.


RT Norfolk – Norfolk Butterfly Day July 2020




…We had such an enjoyable and relaxed day, it was a real pleasure being out with you both and learning so much about butterflies…I hope your business continues to flourish and look forward to joining you again in the future. Best wishes


J&P W Norfolk – Norfolk Butterfly Day July 2020




Thanks Carl. I really enjoyed the day in spite of the weather. The Hawfinches were a real highlight of the day! Worth waiting 25 years for. Best wishes,


AM Suffolk – Breckland Speciality Day February 2020




Carl, …. thank you to you, Tania, A & A for a proper belter of a day out; I had so much fun I can’t tell you.

My 2 “wish to see” birds ✔️

Learned so much about bird life in general ✔️

Lovely coffee & lunch ✔️

I didn’t feel ill whilst being a passenger ✔️

And best of all - fabulous company all day ✔️


I’ll take a look at your other trips and get back to you as and when my diary is sorted.



ME Cambs – Breckland Speciality Day February 2020




Hi Carl, Yes will definitely see you again in 2020 for more trips / sessions.

Will take a look at your schedule


CF Lincs – Norfolk Photography Wildlife Day November 2019




Hi Carl - Brilliant day today, really enjoyed it. It was a great to get out and about, chatting about all manner of things, enjoying Norfolk wildlife and learning a lot about how to move on my photography in the process.  Super way to spend a day…


Looking forward to the next chance to meet up.


All the best


PH Worcs – Norfolk Photography Day November 2019




It was a great day out, the bearded tits were amazing.


AC Suffolk – Minsmere Migration Day October 2019




Dear Carl, Thank you so much for another wonderful day yesterday.  I really enjoyed myself, and J and I have been looking at the photos, and they are good enough to identify the bearded tits, the great white egret, the stone chat, scaup and your amazing damsel fly.  We were so lucky with the weather, and J, A and A were really lovely company…


 JP Norfolk – Minsmere Migration Day October 2019




Carl, Good day! Thanks for the receipt and detailed list of species seen … Very nice! Thank you again for taking us on such a great trip, we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and have to say it was probably the best birding tour we've ever been on! You were very informative and courteous, and a very nice person indeed! I have many photos to look through, and I'm sure I'll be in touch with you regarding some ID questions later.

We liked it so much in fact that we are already planning to return to Norfolk in May 2020. …

Wish you the best and hope to see you again soon! 


N & I L USA – Norfolk Birding Day September 2019




Thanks Carl. Fantastic photos as always. I really enjoyed the trip.


DW Norfolk – A Wild Weekend in Wales August 2019




Hi Carl Many thanks for the report of our superb trip and the wonderful photos...a wonderful reminder of a great trip.


L & M  Worcestershire – Bay of Biscay August 2019




Hi Carl, Many thanks for this and for a super day on Friday.
I am very pleased with some of the shots I got.


ID Derbyshire – Norfolk Insect Day August 2019




Hi Carl, It was a wonderful trip and really great to catch up with you.


NS Gloucestershire – Bay of Biscay Tour August 2019





Hi Carl, Really enjoyed the day, as always, great company and some good birds.

Kind Regards 


PO Norfolk – Norfolk Birding Day August 2019





Thank you for the great time we had in Dorset. It’s no wonder why your clients keep returning. All best wishes


C&MW Lincs – Birds and Wildlife of the Jurassic Coast July 2019




Hi Carl, thank you very much, we really enjoyed it, and saw & heard much more than we expected. We had several other firsts too such as hobby, linnet & firecrest. It was a very good evening.

….See you for Snettisham next!


PS & SB Suffolk – Nightjar Evening June 2019






Thank you, thank you, thank You! What a fantastic experience we had over the two days. The variety of places and birds and animals we saw thrilled us. Your knowledge, commentary and passion shines through. We learnt so much. 

Even our conversations about England in general, while driving, enlightened us. 


You provided us with an overall wonderful experience and the food was great too! …


Thanks again for a memory of a life-time. 


L & LB Victoria Australia – Norfolk Safari & Norfolk Bird Watching Day June 2019




Hi Carl.… thanks for another excellent trip out.


JE Norfolk – Hertfordshire Butterfly Day May 2019




Hi Carl - … wonderful day last Saturday.  …Thanks again for a great trip.


PW Norfolk – Hertfordshire Butterfly Day May 2019




Thank you so much for such a lovely day Carl! 


TG Norfolk – Hertfordshire Butterfly Day May 2019




It was indeed a lovely day, thank you.


RF Norfolk – Hertfordshire Butterfly Day May 2019




Thanks Carl, Had a great day and know what I need to do to get the kind of shots I want Kind regards 


CF Lincs – Norfolk Photographic Day May 2019




Thanks, really enjoyed the day. Good birds and great company, as always.


PO Norfolk – Minsmere Migration Day May 2019




Hi Carl. Home. Easy drive so made very good time. Thank you so much for three fantastic days. I have one very relaxed and happy husband. Loved all the sightings new and pre-seen. … Thanks so much again.


H&BB West Sussex – Norfolk Birding Days and Minsmere Migration Day May 2019




Pity about the weather but it did not spoil the pleasure of birding in good company.
…Thanks for organising the trip.
Very best wishes

ME Norfolk – Essex Birders Day April 2019




Thanks Carl excellent trip ….


SG Norfolk – Scottish Birders long Weekend April 2019




Many thanks Carl.  Lots of good memories


LB Norfolk – Southern Scotland Tour February/March 2019




Hi Carl, Many thanks for last weekend. Looking forward to next one. …

Kind regards


RF Norfolk – Southern Scotland Tour February/March 2019




Did very much enjoy the trip over the weekend, Carl.  Lots of good birds, some of which you know I really wanted to see, and new places to visit. The scenery was amazing.  Thank you for a very relaxing few days birdwatching; no darting here, there and everywhere.  So relaxing that shopping this morning was a big struggle.

Thank you once again, and my best wishes for the coming months.



EB – Norfolk – Southern Scotland Tour February/March 2019




Hi Carl, Very enjoyable day with a lovely spread of birds. …. Look forward to seeing you later in the year. Can I request that weather for future trips?

Best Regards,


IG – Lincs – Breckland Speciality Day February 2019




Carl – A. and I had such a great day with you.  Thank you so much.  Best views ever of goshawk, hawfinches and that red crossbill for me.  We were still buzzing all evening with the excitement of it all.


AL – Norfolk – Breckland Speciality Day February 2019




Yesterday - really excellent day some brilliant birds - taking it easy today

Kindest regards


MR – Beds – Breckland Speciality Day February 2019




Thanks for an excellent day. Still working through the photos.


CF – Lincs – Breckland Speciality Day February 2019




… thanks for the day last Thursday. I had a good time despite the bad weather, and was pleased to get a couple of new ticks …. 


ES – Lincs – Norfolk Birding Day November 2018




Hello Carl, Thank you for the fantastic day out! I will certainly hope to join you again for a longer tour. I have just been going through my images and editing them, and I am very pleased with some of them!

Hope to be in touch again soon. Kind regards,


LP – Lincs – Norfolk Photographic Day November 2018




Carl, Always a pleasure to join you for one of your tours (3 now I believe !!) - I will take a look at your list and look at something for the new year.


CF – Lincs – Norfolk Photography Day November 2018




Many Thanks, thoroughly enjoyed the day with you and inspired us to do and learn more!


N & CH – Cambs – Norfolk Photography Day November 2018




Hi Carl …We really enjoyed the trip and many thanks for your careful driving and considerate and knowledgeable tour leadership. I am sure we will see you again before too long. Best wishes


R & LE – Norfolk – Isles of Scilly Birders Tour October 2018




Good morning Carl. ... Many many thanks for another memorable trip to a special part of the UK and looking after us so well. Very Best Wishes,


MH &DH – Norfolk – Isles of Scilly Birders Tour October 2018




Hi Carl - Thank you again for a really great day bird watching. 


GW – Derbys – Norfolk Migration Day October 2018




Carl - Thank you so much for an enjoyable day, some new birds, good company, and delicious lunch. We didn’t see many newly arrived migrants, but we had great views of a few and as always when out with you we learnt a lot. My list had 63 species, pretty good for a damp day. Loved the view of that jack snipe, and that was the closest I have knowingly been to a Scaup. We both enjoy your huge knowledge and expertise. … Yes, we will watch your longer tours and try to make one work, and very much hope we can keep in touch.

Many thanks again for a lovely day

R & C H – Norfolk – Norfolk Migration Day October 2018




Dear Carl - We hope you had a safe journey home today. We thank you so much for your patients and knowledge during our wonderful stay on the Scillies, the trip was really great we saw so much and loved it all…All the very best … 

HB and BB – West Sussex – Bespoke Tour to Isles of Scilly October 2018




Thanks for a great day, Carl. We really enjoyed it.  Amazing to see so many cranes….See you next year …


JR – Cambs – Norfolk Safari September 2018




Dear Carl, … We all thoroughly enjoyed [the day] and it has sparked us wanting to get better binoculars! Please send me details of future trips you are organising, especially any that involve seeing whales combined with photography or photography days as J really appreciated your support. It was so informative being with you for the day and it was definitely one of the holiday highlights for us all. All the best


MB & Family – North London – Norfolk Safari August 2018




I really enjoyed our Wales weekend. ‘A’ hasn’t stopped talking about it yet.


DW – Norfolk – A Wild Weekend in Wales August 2018




Hello Carl …I can't believe how long the list of 'what we saw' is, and this is off peak season!!! There is so much wildlife out there. Thank you so much for showing us it all. …Thank you so much for a lovely day.

Take care and best wishes


J&EW – Essex – Norfolk Safari August 2018




Hi Carl …I thoroughly enjoyed the day yesterday and am looking forward to the next in mid-August...


WJ – Essex – Minsmere Tour August 2018




Carl, Many thanks …. We thoroughly enjoyed the trip, which worked in well with our trip round the East of England. We hope to see you sometime in the next few months.


R&BD – Middx – East Coast Birders Tour June 2018




Hi Carl, I am sorry for not thanking you earlier for such a lovely weekend I enjoyed every minute Learning new things all the time. Thank you again for a wonderful trip I must admit I am getting a great deal more satisfaction from my photos thanks to your tips (although it will never meet your standard which were beautiful)

I intend to purchase a larger lens over the next few months and would love a day with you once purchased.


PM – Norfolk – East Coast Seabird Tour June 2018




Hi Carl ... We had a great day and appreciated the time you took to point them all out. If we had been wandering about on our own, I'm sure we would have missed most of it….Thanks once again for your patience and knowledgeable tour. We will certainly be in touch again if we see a tour that takes our fancy.

Kind regards


A and LV – Northumberland - Norfolk Hawker and Swallowtail Day June 2018




Hi!!! What a fab day Saturday was! Thank you so much and for the detour - I was beaming in the back (of the car) by 10am - what a bonus the Marbled Whites were

 :-) … Now off to work to tell them about our day :-)

Have a great week - I’ll look out for trips - can’t wait!


TG – Norfolk – Wood White and Black Hairstreak Day June 2018




Thank you Carl for a wonderful day, enhanced by your company and efficiency…


RW – Norfolk – Norfolk Hawker and Swallowtail Day June 2018




Hi Carl, …We had a great time and very much enjoyed your company. It’s a good thing to hold so much knowledge and be able to disseminate it in digestible portions.

Thank you. We hope that we will meet again one day.

Best wishes


PK & RK – West Sussex – Norfolk Safari June 2018




Hi Carl, J and I much enjoyed our time with you.

I managed to obtain 3 'first time' bird shots as well as an additional two 'best-to-date' shots, plus some good avocet shots, which was all very pleasing.

I shall certainly give serious consideration to joining you on one of your longer tours next year and I'm sure that E and I will be looking to have a day with you again before too long.

With best regards


IS & JD – Yorks – Norfolk Badger Evening and Wildlife Photography Day June 2018




Hi Carl, Many thanks for your email & especially for a great evening - I can’t tell you how delighted I was to see ALIVE and LIVE badgers after so many years of just seeing roadkill & Badger routes. …I was looking at some of the tours you offer & I was salivating!! Many thanks again...& see you again I’m sure…

Best wishes


MB, PB & TB – Norfolk – Norfolk Badger Evening June 2018




… Our trip to Mull is a pleasant memory as we enjoy it so much largely due to your skills and organisation. You were good company, an excellent driver and outstanding birder.
Hope you are well and that your second trip to Scotland was a success.
Best wishes from A and I


ME – Norfolk – Birders Tour to Mull May 2018




…so many happy memories of the super wildlife we saw not forgetting good food and comfy beds.


PW – Norfolk – UK Mammal Tour May 2018




Hi Carl, Finally found time to go on the computer!

I've been on several very enjoyable trips with you but this mammal tour has topped the lot.  So many everlasting memories from the slumbering majesty of the (totally unexpected) Walrus to the mesmerising energetic display from the Common Dolphins, I'm still in dreamland really!  Plus perfect weather, stunning scenery, good company etc. etc.

Thank you again for all your effort in making this happen.

Best wishes


PW – Norfolk - Mammal Tour of the UK May 2018




Hi Carl … we saw lots of amazing things – just been looking at a few photos (there are a lot) – dolphins – phwoaar! P spoke to a work colleague who thought he was joking about seeing a walrus in Scotland – ‘really?! – you’re pulling my leg.  A walrus in some random Scottish harbour?’ kind of thing. Thanks for such an enjoyable and memorable trip…Looking forward to seeing your photos etc. 

Thanks for a truly exceptional and memorable trip

Best wishes


G&PP – Mersyside – Mammal Tour of the UK May 2018




Hi Carl …We had a great trip to Mull and want to thank you for a wonderful week. You could not have been kinder to the pair of us, we really enjoyed a fascinating trip. We would not hesitate in recommending you to others.
Very kind regards

M & AE – Norfolk – Birders Tour to Mull May 2018




Hi Carl - Thank you for your email and for the lovely day yesterday.  We really really enjoyed it and it was so nice just to be able to relax and enjoy nature!  We would certainly love to see you again and your tours are of real interest to us.  ….

We wish you all the best and hope to see you again soon.  With many thanks for such a wonderful day,


N&DO – North London – Norfolk Birders Tour May 2018




Hi Carl, 
Just a note to say thank you for the trip to Scotland. I did enjoy it the whole break and thought the hotel was excellent. We were very lucky with the weather. 
….Take care and all the best. 


AC – Suffolk – Birders Tour to Scotland April 2018




Hello Carl! We really enjoyed our day with you and learned so much! We've been listening to …birds…every since:)) You really are incredibly knowledgeable. I would be happy to write a testimonial for you for your website if you want one. Just let me know.


KB – Spain – Norfolk Birders day April 2018




Hi Carl, Thank you for a very enjoyable day.



PR – Suffolk – Minsmere Speciality Day March 2018




Thanks Carl and, as always, I really enjoyed the day. Good company and good birds Kind Regards


PO – Norfolk – Minsmere Speciality Day March 2018




What a trip. We really enjoyed it. Thanks. Awesome photos as ever. We are really hoping to do a Minsmere trip. I’ll let you know. Best wishes


DW & SR – Norfolk – Geese and Goosander Tour February 2018




Hi Carl, Just a big thank you for another very enjoyable trip, a lovely relaxed pace with the usual mix of good food, company and birds.


PW – Norfolk – Geese and Goosander Tour February 2018




Hi Carl, …. Thought I would drop you an email to thank you for the email and info on our day out and to again thank you for a brilliant day always great fun and educational also a massive thank you for the “amalgamation”!! So amazing I can’t quite get my head around just how many starlings there were
Thanks again see you soon Kind regards

H&BB – Worc – Breckland Birding Day February 2018




Hi Carl, I, …, had a super day. The parrot crossbills were, as you say, the highlight.

In addition, I got some 'best to date' shots of a number of species. We'll be back in touch very soon. Many thanks again.


IS – Derbys – Breckland Birding Day February 2018




Carl, Thank you for a fascinating day in Breckland. A fascinating area and interesting companions. Well worth the trip.


ME – Norfolk – Breckland Birding Day February 2018




Thanks Carl. I had a good time, and from my perspective we did well with new species; goshawk, hawfinch and parrot crossbill.


ES – Derbys – Breckland Birding Day February 2018




Dear Carl, Thank-you so much for the tour last Thursday it was the highlight of the trip! The field notes were much appreciated as were the fabulous photos. We would also like to thank you for the walking map. Hopefully we will see you again on one of your other tours soon. Meanwhile have a great time in Australia and have a Happy New Year! Kind regards


HK & MK – London & Derbyshire – Norfolk Birding Day December 2017




Thanks Carl, I had a very good time and learnt a lot as usual. 

The Little Stint, Osprey and Yellow-browed Warbler were completely new to me. Obviously the Osprey was a highlight, but I was also thrilled to see the Yellow-browed Warbler - must have been because we'd hunted it for a while and had a number of near misses before it showed itself very well (very nice picture by the way)… the Hen Harrier was a first 100% definite sighting. 

I look forward to meeting up again before long. 


ES – Lincs – Norfolk Birding Day October 2017




Hi Carl, Another nice report with some great photos, brings back memories of yet another lovely holiday in the Sillies thanks to your good self. …

Cheers Nick


NS – Glamorganshire – Birding the Isles of Scilly Tour October 2017




Dear Carl - We are really lucky to have found you for our wildlife trips, we have had a remarkable two days with you - seen so many new species I just loved the phalarope brilliant little bird. The osprey wasn't too shabby either!! We always have a great day when birding with you, your knowledge is quite remarkable. …Take care Carl, many thanks again

Best Regards

H&BB – West Sussex - Norfolk Birding & Minsmere Migration October 2017


Thank you so much for yesterday.  We had a great day.  We all soaked up your knowledge and wisdom.  You are A's hero.  He is already planning his next day out with you next spring.

I have tweeted the osprey photo you took for me on my phone through the scope. You get a mention! … Osprey and yellow-browned warbler still in joint place for Bird of the Weekend.

See you soon - and thank you once again for a wonderful and special day.

Very best wishes


AL – Norfolk – Norfolk Birding October 2017




Hi Carl - This is just to say a huge belated thank you from B and I for such a brilliant day on Monday, it was the best start to what has been a lovely week. Your knowledge of wildlife is amazing and as a couple of real novices (one of whom has a memory like a sieve!) we feel very privileged to have been able to spend a day with you (if I make 80 and have a tiny fraction of that knowledge I will feel very proud).

We would love to return to Norfolk and perhaps join one of your tours again in the next year or so.

Best wishes for your house move and the future and thank you once again for your time, patience and professionalism.

With kind regards.


D&BB – Midlands – Norfolk Birding September 2017



Thanks so much, Carl, for a fabulous day…When it poured down with rain the next day, we were so grateful that we had had the sunny, warm weather too.  Did you arrange that on your App also?!

There are a few day tours we have our eye on for next year, so we will be definitely be in touch. Hope you have a great trip to the Isles of Scilly in October and thanks again for your great company and a fabulous day to remember.

Kind regards,


Carl, Many thanks … J and I had a ball, couldn't stop talking about the day. With very best wishes…..

JL & JR – Herts – Norfolk Safari September 2017




Hi Carl, Thank you so much …We had such a fabulous day!!! ..and are still practicing with the names and differences between dragonflies!!! We saw a few on Sunday while fishing and had a go at recognising them!!

We loved it so much that are thinking of booking another one of your tours so we’ll be in touch soon!!!

Thanks again from all of us!!

CP – Norfolk – Norfolk Safari August 2017




Hi Carl, As always a very enjoyable day with you and it was so good to learn how to use the digi scope, I feel it was a real step forward for me. I attach some of the photos I took, very pleased with them….

NS – Devon – Norfolk Birding Day August 2017




Hi Carl - Again many thanks for another wonderful trip.  I don't think the weekend could have been bettered!  It was great to break my dolphin duck but to do it with such good company made it extra special.  …Regards

PW – Norfolk – A Wild Weekend in Wales August 2017




I had fun and learned a lot on our day out. ….I'll definitely look you up when I come back to England.

CF – USA – Norfolk Birding Day July 2017




Hi Carl, … You asked me during the day if the tour was what I expected. 


Well, it was more than I expected; no rush from place to place to cram in as many sightings as possible.  It was a very relaxed day and one I have not stopped telling friends about.


Out of the twenty three species we saw, nine were new to me; I don’t believe I would have seen these nine if I had not come on the tour, especially the chalkhill blue.  …  I have now seen a total of twenty eight species of butterflies here in N. Norfolk – I am well pleased.  For me the day was not so much about photographing but to see the butterflies in their natural surroundings.  On this score, the tour excelled.  The two butterflies that stole the show were the silver washed fritillaries and the chalkhill blues, with the broad bordered bee hawk-moth a most definite bonus.  In case you wondered, despite the camera battery issue, I got some good shots, some of these I posted on my Facebook page and have been ‘liked’ and admired by friends.

Village friends have just passed us copies of EDP Norfolk magazines to read.  You must be very pleased with the article they have printed about you in July’s edition.

Thanks for a wonderful day Carl.

JE – Norfolk – Norfolk Butterfly Day July 2017




Hiya Carl, Thanks for a great day yesterday.  I really enjoyed it! 

TG – Norfolk – Norfolk Butterfly Day July 2017




Thanks Carl, another great day, which I really enjoyed.

PO – Norfolk – Norfolk Birding Day July 2017




Thanks for an enjoyable and informative trip

P &GP – Mersyside – Wildlife of the Jurassic Coast – July 2017




… It was an incredible experience. The sound of the Nightjars on such a still evening will be something we will never forget. Truly awesome mate

AB – Yorks – Supper and Nightjar Evening – July 2017




Hi Carl, just to thank you again for a fantastic trip. We both loved every minute and it did us the world of good.

M&DH – Norfolk – Birders Tour to Mull – May 2017




… Just a note to say thank you all for a great time in Scotland and for really good company…

WJ – Suffolk – UK Mammal Tour – May 2017




Hi Carl … I can only thank you for such a wonderful trip each one I attend opens my eyes to new interests. Scotland is a place I hope to return many more times…

PM – Norfolk – UK Mammal Tour – May 2017




Hi Carl …many thanks for a most enjoyable and informative day, with several 'firsts'. …Also I will be sure to bring a macro set-up next time!

All the best                            

IS – Derby – Norfolk Safari – May 2017




Thanks Carl, I had an excellent day, with my first Firecrest (with decent photo by my standards), Woodlark, and Minotaur Beetle, and best encounter with a Cetti's to date. Also, as usual it was very interesting and a pleasure to spend time with somebody as knowledgeable as yourself.

Looking forward to the boat trip in Aug.

ES – Lincs – Norfolk Safari – May 2017




Hi Carl - Just a quick email to say thanks again for a wonderful trip.  I found myself asking someone what they had done while I was away and when they looked a little blank I remembered it was only four days!  We had seen so much at a variety of sites. I really appreciate the effort you must put in to make everything appear effortless!


PW – Norfolk – Scottish  Birders Long Weekend – April 2017




Thank you Carl for a most delightful day at Minsmere and the promised list of species seen. …seeing the little gem Dartford Warbler in (what I consider) high numbers was an unexpected delight. And the full monty too with call, song and air dance - what more could I have wanted from them. The Garganey gave me my second life tick of the day, not forgetting 2 vocal firsts - the Stone Curlew and Woodlark -  so I was well pleased….

Best wishes,

SG – Wales – Minsmere Speciality Tour – March 2017




Hi Carl… Many thanks again for our trip yesterday and your excellent tuition (with good birds and good food thrown in as well).  It was certainly an eye opener to the challenges of life away from 'auto'.   Events today conspired to prevent me doing anything connected with photography but hopefully I've remembered enough to get going tomorrow!


PW – Norfolk – Photographing Wildlife Day – March 2017




Hi Carl…how could we ever forget that walk in the dunes at Winterton.

My favourite sightings of the day were the snow buntings … and the brown hare near the piggery. You may well see us at some point in the future. Thanks again for all your valiant efforts on the day.

Best regards, 

B&CB – Hamps – Norfolk Birding Day – February 2017



Carl..It was a great trip thank you. Highlight for me was the Cranes.. and the packed lunch of course…Will see you again soon

Best wishes

JL – Newcastle – Norfolk Birding Tour – February 2017




…thanks for a good day and some excellent sightings.


IG – Lincs – Breckland Birding Tour – February 2017




We have had a lovely - and very special day - with you.  Thank you so much.  ‘A’ has a new hero!  …he has voted brambling for the bird of the day.  (It has to be the goshawk and the hawfinches for me - can't choose). … he was cheered up by the promise of a birthday present day out with you again later this year.  You won't have seen the last of us - you have been warned!

Thank you very much again. All the best

AL – Norfolk - Breckland Birding Tour – February 2017




Hi Carl - We just wanted to say thank you for a most enjoyable Norfolk Safari Day yesterday. You were highly informative and didn't make us walk too far, although we were all very tired last night!  Especially enjoyed seeing the seals bobbing up and down at Winterton.  Very nice lunch too.

VR – Norfolk – Norfolk Safari – February 2017




Hi Carl … As always, thoroughly enjoyed the day yesterday. S loved meeting you. 

Big thank you! 

EE – London – Norfolk Safari – Nov 2016




Hello Carl, Once again I thoroughly enjoyed my day birding with you; in fact it becomes a day I look forward to when I book the cottage and come birding in Norfolk.  So I can say now that I'll book a day with you when I next visit end Jan/begin Feb 2017 …Please remember to thank your wife on my behalf for her lovely packed lunches.

JM – Derbyshire – Norfolk Birding Day November 2016




Dear Carl, Thank you so much for a wonderful day at Minsmere.  I speak for us all, as we all had a great time.  Weren’t we lucky with the wonderful birds we saw, and I shall never forget the sight of those harriers…. And oh, so lucky with the weather,  fancy sitting outside on November 2nd eating the most fabulous picnic…

JP – Norfolk – Minsmere Migration Day November 2016




Many thanks Carl it was a very enjoyable day.

G and PP – Debys – Norfolk Safari October 2016




Dear Carl, We wanted to drop you an email to thank you for all your time, energy and effort you had obviously put into the fantastic trip to the Scilly Isles. We were completely amazed at the amount and the quality of birds we (you) tracked down! To arrange for the Sub Alpine Warbler to be in the hotel gardens went far and above our expectations! How do you do it? …

As we said during our stay on the stunning isles the ability to see the birds so clearly and have you there to show us how to distinguish each species so specifically makes a world of difference your knowledge is extraordinary and impressive.

Since we have been home I have had another look at the wryneck and have to admit I love this bird, may not have lots of colour but what a character. …To finish the trip with the lonely Dalmatian Pelican was brilliant (not for the Pelicans prospects) but to be able to see such an unusual bird here.

Thank you again Carl for all you did for us both we loved it.

Very best regards

H and BB – West Sussex - Isles of Scilly Birding Tour October 2016




Hi Carl, I hope your journey back to Norfolk was smooth and uneventful.

Thank you so much for a lovely holiday I greatly enjoyed it, the best Scillies trip yet.


NS – Devon Isles of Scillies Birding Tour October 2016




Hi Carl, Many thanks for an excellent day's birding, we both really enjoyed it.

NS – Devon Norfolk Birding Day – August 2016




Thanks Carl, I had a great day, and consider it a good haul in terms of species seen and photographed. The attached note is much appreciated. Interesting that the hoverfly is a hornet mimic as that's exactly what I thought it was when I first glimpsed it. I got a reasonable shot but sadly it flew away before dad could get a photograph...

ES – Lincs – Norfolk Safari – August 2016




Hi Carl, Like E, I too had a most enjoyable day and am most pleased with what we saw and photographed  - I am also quite pleased with how some of my own photos turned out, once E had allowed me the opportunity.......!

All being well I would like to meet up again in May, and hope that E is once again able to be there. All the very best

IS – Yorks – Norfolk Safari – August 2016




Hi Carl, …Thanks for a lovely outing on Sunday.

Best regards,

AM – Essex – Wader Day – July 2016




Hi Carl, Thank you for a great day

PM – Norfolk – Photographing Wildlife Day – July 2016




Thank you ... Carl, yesterday was extremely useful.  I will try to get to grips with this and do my 'home work'.  Thank you for your patience.

WJ – Essex – Photographing Wildlife Day – July 2016




Hi Carl. Thanks again for Sunday's trip, we both had a very enjoyable day.

J&CE – Norfolk – Purple Emperor Day – July 2016




Hi Carl - Just to thank you again for 2 excellent workshops, really enjoyed myself. Thanks are also due to your caterer! Really tired last night but fresh and recovered this morning and pleased that actually my legs are not aching!

Thought you might like the attached photo.

Very best wishes

AW – Norfolk - Nightjar Supper & Evening & Purple Emperor Day – July 2016 




Dear Carl and Sharon, Thank you both so very much for a wonderful magical and mysterious evening last night.

For me it exceeded all expectations and we both hugely enjoyed ourselves.  

What a lovely supper to begin the evening with. Well done both of you, and I hope to repeat the experience next year! 


J&JP – Norfolk – Nightjar Supper & Evening – July 2016 




Carl - Our thanks to you both for an excellent last Saturday evening, the food was excellent and in spite of the weather it was a good trip...

Good company and birds.

M&AE – Norfolk – Nightjar Supper & Evening – July 2016




Just a quickie to thank you for another splendid weekend - amazing how much there is to be seen and enjoyed in spite of non-cooperative weather!

Looking forward to our next trip to Dorset. 

All the best to you both,

WJ – Essex - East Coast Seabird Tour – June 2016




Carl,  … thanks for the day on 6th June - I enjoyed it immensely and will keep you in mind for further wildlife experiences as well as recommending you to others. I've put your website on my favourites too. Best Wishes,

RS – Lancashire – Norfolk Safari – June 2016




Hello Carl…Thank you for the information, some nice pics. We both had a good day out with you and enjoyed it very much. Thanks again.

P&LW – Lancashire – Norfolk Safari – May 2016


Hello Carl … First of all thank you for a wonderful trip. We had a great time as ever you were a wonderful host.  …Once again thank you for a most excellent safari and best wishes to both you and Sharon.J&PG – Hampshire – Norfolk Safari – May 2016



Carl – With many thanks for a wonderful tour.

M&CW – Lincs – Birders trip to Mull – May 2016




Dear Carl, As I slip gently back into my routine, I want to just take a few moments to tell you how much I enjoyed the trip.  I had a super time, and never cease to marvel at your abilities as a tour leader.  You really do look after us all exceptionally well, and I shall be looking forward to joining you another time.  Thank you so very much, Carl, and thank you to Sharon for lending you to us for the week

JP – Norfolk – Birders trip to Mull – May 2016




Hi Carl, Thank you once again for a brilliant weekend.  I thoroughly enjoyed it and extra special company added to the enjoyment.

WJ – Essex – Birders Scottish Long Weekend – April 2016




Hi Carl, Just a quick note to say thank you for a wonderful trip to Scotland I enjoyed every minute …Hope to enjoy a further trip with you soon.

PM – Norfolk – Birders Scottish Long Weekend – April 2016




Thank you for the notes I will study them and get better thanks for the day and your excellent company I really enjoyed myself hope to see you in the future all the best ?

RP – Norfolk – Photographing Wildlife Day – March 2016




Cheers Carl … Had a great time and another great trip out with you.

See you soon

AB & LH – Yorks – Norfolk Birding Day – March 2016




Carl, Thank you for an excellent day yesterday. If you have the space for two more Anne and I would like to join your Nightjar evening on 9th July.

ME – Norfolk – Minsmere Day – March 2016




Dear Carl, Thank you so much for a wonderful day out.  S enjoyed it equally as much as me, so I enjoyed it doubly!  J and I would love to book for July 9th Saturday, Nightjar evening if there are still places available.

J&JP – Norfolk – Minsmere Day – March 2016




Dear Carl Thank you for a brilliant day! You've walked our legs off, but I've never seen so many birds on one day. I think I now may be hooked on bird watching!

SW - Devon – Minsmere Day – March 2016




We thoroughly enjoyed the day and will be in touch later with regard to Brownsey Island and perhaps another trip to Norfolk.

R & BD - London - Norfolk Birding Day - March 2016




We thoroughly enjoyed the trip. S says he wants to go again next year!

DW & SR – Norfolk – Solway Winter Geese Tour – February 2016




Hi Carl, Thank you so much for a couple of stunning days birding, in the most convivial company! Great fun, great learning, great days! I count 99 species!

Thanks for the photos of the Barwits, good to remember that upper leg length. You have had some great birds on your tours, Goshawk and Snow Goose, etc.

I'm looking forward to the next update on the Norfolk Citation book. See you on the Norfolk pelagic, if not before.

Again, thanks for everything.


NS – Worcs – Norfolk Birders Tour – February 2016




Hello Carl - … It was good to spend time with you last Monday and whenever I'm back birding I'll ask to go birding with you.

Please let your wife know that she puts together a great packed-lunch bag.

Looking forward to seeing you again in August

Best wishes

JM – Notts – Norfolk Birders Tour – February 2016




Thank you Carl, we had a great day and a lovely holiday. Hope we can join you again.
Best Wishes
C&W P – Notts – Norfolk Birders Tour – January 2016




Thanks Carl … there were so many birds that we saw … hope to see you in the new year when I’ll fix up a trip to Norfolk perhaps for the migrants again in March?

All the best for now and thanks so much for a thoroughly enjoyable trip to the Scilly’s...not forgetting the dolphins of course.

AC – Suffolk – Birders Tour to Scillies – October 2015




Carl, Many, many thanks for a wonderful trip. At a party yesterday I was singing your praises and I know of at least one friend who'll be contacting you.

A brilliant day.  Thank you so much

TR – Norfolk – Photographing Wildlife Day – July 2015




Hi Carl, Thank you for two really enjoyable days, some great birds despite the weather.

I greatly appreciate your coaching!!


NS – Devon – Norfolk Birding Day – August 2015




Thanks Carl. Really enjoyed the trip. Very nice to spend time with someone so passionate and knowledgeable about nature. …. I'm sure it won't be long before dad and I join you on another outing.

E and IS – Lincs – Norfolk Birding Day – Oct 2015




Hi Carl, A big thank you to you and all the rest of the team. Fantastic day including packed lunch.

Hope to catch up soon.

EAW – Midlands – Minsmere Migration Day – Oct 2015




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Ptarmigan - Taken on our Scottish long weekend

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