Wildlife Tours and Education
Wildlife Tours and Education 

Part 1 - Terms and Conditions        Part 2 - Privacy Policy

Part 1 - Terms & Conditions


Please read our tour terms and conditions fully before entering into any contract with Wildlife Tours and Education.


a)            Conditions applicable to day tours

b)            Conditions applicable to longer tours

c)            Conditions applicable to all tours

d)            Conditions applicable to Gift Vouchers

e)            Conditions applicable to Pelagic trip




a)            Conditions applicable to day tours


For day tours it is advisable to wear stout shoes or boots with appropriate all weather clothing.

A deposit may be payable, although this may not always be required. Payments may be made by cash, cheque or direct payment from a bank account (by prior arrangement); unfortunately payment by credit card is not available. Full settlement for our day events is required on or before the day of the tour.

No refunds of deposits for day tours can be given unless more than two weeks notice of cancellation can be given by a participant. 

Bad weather will not normally affect day tours but it may be possible to adjust dates at the discretion of Wildlife Tours and Education.

Numbers on day tours will not normally exceed 6 and will by necessity only normally proceed where the number of bookings exceeds 2 persons although this is at the discretion of Wildlife Tours and Education. Discounts may be available for three or more people or more than one consecutive days booking.

If you need accommodation in Norfolk we will be pleased to give you advice based on our experience and the experiences of our clients.

All participants are strongly advised to take out insurance that will be applicable and adequate for their needs; ensuring a level of excess is included which is appropriate. Participants are to understand they are liable for any loss or damage not covered by their insurance where an incident is not directly related to actions taken by Wildlife Tours & Education.

If we during the course of our tour go to a reserve, such as those managed by RSPB, NWT, NOA or WWT please bring with you a membership card if you have one. If you are not a member then an entry charge may be payable for which you will be liable. This is the farist way for all as some customers may be members and they would not be liable for an entry charge.



b)            Conditions applicable to longer tours


Payment for Longer Tours and events will be invoiced and payment must be received 2 calendar months before departure.(except pelagic – see below)  If final payment is not forthcoming 2 calendar months before departure this will be deemed as a cancellation of the booking and deposits already made cannot be refunded.

Accommodation as part of our tours will be arranged by Wildlife Tours and Education normally as part of the package.  If you need accommodation in Norfolk we will be pleased to give you advice based on our experience.

The lead passenger will be asked to sign a booking form and supply a deposit amounting to 10% of the total cost of the tour (except pelagic tours see below) In signing the booking form the lead passenger confirms that all parties for which he/she is lead passenger agrees and abides by the terms and conditions of Wildlife Tours and Education and is authorised to act on their behalf.

Upon receipt of deposit/full payment and booking form Wildlife Tours and Education will issue a confirmatory letter/e-mail stating details of the booking. It is the lead passenger’s responsibility to ensure any omission or discrepancy within the confirmatory letter is reported to Wildlife Tours and Education within 10 days of the date of the communication. Changes outside this time period cannot be made.

All participants are strongly advised to take out travel insurance that will be applicable and adequate for their needs; ensuring a level of excess is included which is appropriate. Participants are to understand they are liable for any loss or damage not covered by their insurance where an incident is not directly related to actions taken by Wildlife Tours & Education.

If we do travel to foreign countries participants are responsible for obtaining the required travel documents and inoculations. Wildlife Tours cannot be held liable for any denial of entry by authorities.

For foreign tours we require passport details of all tour participants eight weeks before departure.

All tours have a minimum number of participants to make the tour financially viable for Wildlife Tours and Education. If this number is not attained we promise to advise participants if a tour will not be going ahead 6 weeks prior to departure. If this happens a full refund will be made by Wildlife Tours and Education (see part c) below)

Charges upon cancellation of a booking are dependent upon the time to departure based upon the following table:


More than 2 calendar months before departure      

Amount of Deposit is charged


Between 2 and 1 calendar months before departure          

50% of total payments due is charged


Less than 1 calendar month before departure                             

100% of total payments due is charged


Pelagic Tours and other Boat Tours have a 100% of total cost payable up front with no refund at any time payable for cancellation of bookings.


Depending upon the reason for your cancellation a refund via your insurance may be available.

Due to uncertainty in fuel and flight charges it may be necessary for Wildlife Tours and Education to levy a surcharge. If this is greater than 10% of the total cost of the tour you will be entitled to cancel your booking with a full refund of deposit and payments made.

By booking with Wildlife Tours and Education you acknowledge that the tours we offer often involve inherent risks and dangers due geographical location and activities involved in the tour. Such tours may involve a significant amount of inherent personal risk. These include injury, disease, loss or damage to property, inconvenience and discomfort.

Wildlife Tours and Education will not be responsible for any injury, illness, death, loss, damage, expense, delay, cost or other sum or claim of any description including compensation which results from any action of anyone other than the direct action of Wildlife Tours and Education.

Cameras, telescopes, binoculars, other optics, computer equipment and tripods as well as other delicate items are to be carried in the boot of the vehicle or in the cockpit – NOT in the trailer (if fitted). It is the participants responsibility to ensure this happens.

At the time of booking we may not be in a position to confirm flight times. These will be made available as soon as possible prior to departure.


c)            Conditions applicable to all tours


If cancellation of any tour is made by Wildlife Tours and Education a full refund will be given.

Our holidays and tours each require a minimum number of participants before we can operate them. The applicable minimum number depends on various factors and varies from tour to tour. We promise to advise you as soon as possible prior to departure if we have to cancel a tour for any reason. If we do so a full refund of any deposits or fee paid will apply.

We will always try to ensure that individuals on a tour have roughly the same experience levels but a mixture of experience is sometimes an advantage.

All our tours and holidays have a non-smoking policy when within an enclosed area. If participants do smoke they are kindly requested to do so well away from the main party.

Wildlife Tours and Education or the tour leader reserves the right to decline or terminate any booking without refund if any participant cannot or is unwilling to conduct themselves in a manner appropriate to the fulfilling of the tour and the enjoyment of other participants.

Wildlife can at times be extremely elusive and we cannot at any time guarantee sightings. Although anticipation can add to excitement it is recognised that when animals and birds do not perform as we would want them to it can be disappointing and we will always ensure we do our best to get all participants the best available views without compromising or disturbing the animal or bird involved. It must however be recognised at all times it is the welfare of the Wildlife that is paramount.

Wildlife Tours and Education cannot be held liable for any loss, injury, damage, illness or accident unless it can be proven that we are at fault.

Clients are expected to take all reasonable care at all times.

If you have a complaint please raise this at the time to allow us to correct the situation if this is possible. If it is not possible to raise this at the time please write to our registered address within two weeks of the cessation of the tour or event. Please advise Wildlife Tours and Education of any medical condition or special dietary requirements of any participant of which we should be aware when booking tours or when a condition develops if this is later. This is the lead passenger’s responsibility.

Wildlife Tours and Education will try our best to accommodate any requested changes to bookings made but please note this is not always possible.

Sometimes we have to make significant changes to tours due to weather, political action or other circumstances – we will attempt to reconstitute the tour with the available resources. In these circumstances refunds cannot be made.

Full compliance with tour itineraries is not always possible for reasons beyond our control. If such circumstances arise we will attempt to reconstitute the tour with the available resources. In these circumstances refunds cannot be made.



d)            Conditions applicable to Gift Vouchers


Gift Vouchers must be used within 12 months of issue and cannot be exchanged for a cash equivalent.

Full payment must be received before gift vouchers become valid.

A receipt will be issued upon payment. It is recommended the receipt be retained as proof of payment.


e)            Pelagic trips


Completion of the application form does not guarantee acceptance upon the voyage.

If payments from sufficient numbers of persons are attained to make the trip viable, places will be allocated on a strict first come first served basis. Successful applicants will receive a confirmatory e-mail enclosing an online receipt.

Full payment is required to reserve a place on the sailing which is not refundable except in the circumstances outlined below.

If you are unsuccessful and your payment is received after all places have been allocated your cheque will be returned un-cashed.

If insufficient payments are received to make the sailing viable, your cheque will be returned un-cashed.

If sailing does not take place due to bad weather your full payment will be refunded, but not any costs you may have incurred in travelling to the port of sailing. A phone message will be in place prior to sailing stating the likelihood of sailing considering the prevailing weather. Please note it is the captains’ prerogative to cancel the sailing for safety reasons at any time.


Sailing and docking times are based on tidal access to the dock of sailing. It is not possible to leave later than the set sailing time or return sooner than the docking time. It is your responsibility to ensure you are at the quayside in good time to board for sailing. If you cancel your booking at any time or fail to turn up for sailing on time no refund can be given. Further joining instructions will be issued nearer the sailing date.

Any equipment, optical or otherwise, taken on board is at the owners own risk.


Part 2 - Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy tells you what data we collect, why we collect it and what we do with it. You can also find information on how you can manage your data within this part of the website.

By providing your personal information you acknowledge that we may use it only in the ways set out in this Privacy Policy.



  1. Personal information you provide is used fairly, lawfully and in a transparent manner
  2. Personal information you provide is collected for a specific purpose and is not used in a way which is incompatible with the purpose which Wildlife Tours and Education collected it
  3. Your personal information is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which it is used
  4. Your personal information is kept accurate and, where necessary kept up to date
  5. Your personal information is kept no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal information is used
  6. We will take appropriate steps to keep your personal information secure
  7. Your personal information is used in accordance with your rights
  8. Wildlife Tours and Education will not sell your personal information 


How do we collect your personal data?


We collect personal information directly from you in emails you send us and telephone calls we have with you. If you book a longer tour or pelagic we also collect information on your booking form that you complete.


What information do we collect?


We collect the following information from you:

  • Personal information
    • contact details such as name, email address, postal address and telephone number
    • information relevant to your tour such as travel plans and accommodation being used in Norfolk as well as dates of travel.
    • your marketing preferences
  • Sensitive personal information
    • details of your current or former health that you think we should be made aware of
    • details concerning any special dietary requirements you may have


Why do we collect this information?


We mainly use your personal information to provide you with a tour which is as safe as possible and as comfortable as possible.


We use your email and postal address to make you aware of future tours.

Who do we share your personal information with?



How long do we keep your information?


In most cases, we only keep your information for as long as tax laws and regulations say we have to. This is usually between three and ten years after our relationship with you ends but it will vary depending on what data we hold, why we hold it and what we’re obliged to do to observe the law.

We will only keep your personal information for as long as reasonably necessary to fulfil the relevant purposes set out in this Privacy Policy and in order to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations. 


Your Rights


You can ask us to do various things with your personal information. For example, at any time you can ask us for a copy of your personal information, ask us to correct mistakes, change the way we use your information, or even delete it. We’ll either do what you’ve asked, or explain why we can’t - usually because of a legal or regulatory issue.

For further details about your rights please see below


You have several rights in relation to our use of your personal information including the right to:

  • ask us to correct your personal information if it is wrong
  • object to the use of your personal information in certain circumstances
  • object to direct marketing.


You can make any of the request set out above at any time by using the contact details shown on our website. Please note in some cases we may not be able to comply with your request for reasons such as our own obligations to comply with other legal or regulatory requirements. However, we will always respond to any request you make and if we can’t comply with your request, we will tell you why.

You have the following rights in relation to our use of your personal information.


  • The right to access your personal information

You are entitled to a copy of the personal information we hold about you and certain details of how we use it. There will not usually be a charge for dealing with these requests. Your personal information will usually be provided to you in writing, unless otherwise requested, or where you have made the request by electronic means, in which case the information will be provided to you by electronic means where possible.


  • The right to rectification

We take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we hold about you is accurate and complete. However, if you do not believe this is the case, please contact us by using the details shown on our website and you can ask us to update or amend it.


  • The right to erasure:

In certain circumstances, you have the right to ask us to erase your personal information, for example where the personal information we collected is no longer necessary for the original purpose or where you withdraw your consent. However, this will need to be balanced against other factors, for example according to the type of personal information we hold about you and why we have collected it, there may be some legal and regulatory obligations which mean we cannot comply with your request. You must be aware that if you exercise your right to erasure of your personal information we will not be able to provide you with tours or details of future tours.


  • Right to restriction of processing:

In certain circumstances, you are entitled to ask us to stop using your personal information, for example where you think that the personal information we hold about you may be inaccurate or where you think that we no longer need to process your personal information.


  • Right to data portability:

In certain circumstances, you have the right to ask that we transfer any personal information that you have provided to us to another third party of your choice. Once transferred, the other party will be responsible for looking after your personal information.


  • Right to object to direct marketing:

You can ask us to stop sending you marketing messages at any time.


  • The right to lodge a complaint

You have a right to complain to the ICO at any time if you object to the way in which we use your personal information. More information can be found on the Information Commissioner’s Office website: https://ico.org.uk/

You can make any of the requests set out above using the contact details provided to you upon booking a tour. Please note that in some cases we may not be able to comply with your request for reasons such as our own obligations to comply with other legal or regulatory requirements. However, we will always respond to any request you make and if we can't comply with your request, we will tell you why.





You’re in control of how we use your information for marketing. We will only contact you if you’ve agreed it’s okay. Then, we might use your information to tell you about tours and services that could interest you.



The Data Protection Officer of Wildlife Tours and Education is:

Carl Chapman

14 Travers Court

Runton House Close

West Runton



NR27 9RA

email address: carl@wildlifetoursandeducation.co.uk


Looking after your data is a big responsibility. We take our responsibilities seriously. We keep your data safe, confidential and will never sell it. And, if you ask us to, we’ll tell you exactly what information we have so you can be sure it’s up-to-date and accurate.





Download a copy of our Tour Summary here for a list of all our tours.

Tour Summary 27.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.5 MB]

History and Mystery

Our latest publication regarding birdwatching in Victorian north Norfolk is now available here.

Thank you for visiting us!

Thank you for visiting our website!

I'd like to think you can find out anything you would like to know about us and our tours right here. However, if you can't find what you want or you would like a particular bespoke tour don't hesitate to contact us.

Letter from Norfolk - Our blog for customers and others.

Discover our online magazine - 'Norfolk Wing'

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Ptarmigan - Taken on our Scottish long weekend

All photos on this site supplied by Wildcatch Photography

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